Group Coaching
"The time will come When, with elation, You will greet yourself arriving At your own door, in your own mirror And each will smile at the other’s welcome And say sit here. Eat You will love again the stranger who was yourself Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart To itself, to the stranger who has loved you All you life, whom you have ignored for another Who knows you by heart Take down the love letters from the bookshelf The photographs, the desperate notes, Peel your own image from the mirror Sit. Feast on your life"
~Derek Walcott

Finally Thriving
"What touched me most about the process how the prompts led me deeper and I could transition the writing to other topics present in my life. Also the encouragement to be honest and not to filter was helpful.”
“The group helped me, Rachel helped me, cross the threshold into motherhood. I started out unsure of my identity, I walk away as a new mother and all that comes with that”.
"This time of consistent writing has felt like such an opportunity to do so many things… self reflect, explore, dream, wish, learn all of the things. I have felt so interested at times, so overwhelmed and scared at other times during the writing process. It felt wonderful to have a space the “say” what i actually really feel instead of having to filter all my thoughts and how they might be perceived by others. It felt so very honest at times. It was so interesting to do this while in the midst of so much upheaval in my own life. It made me curious what this exercise would have looked like in more of a space of calm. I would love to continue with making writing part of my daily routine. I have just found it to be useful to offload so much of the chaos in my mind. I seem to have an endless supply of contradictory thoughts so there always seems to be something that feels good about putting it out on paper and then being able to close my book and walk away from it. I liked sometimes underlining or using capitals when something really needed to come out. It just felt great to see that reflected back to me on the page. It almost felt validating to myself, that yes my thoughts and emotions are real to me. It helped break up a bit of a tendency in that moment to gaslight myself or doubt myself."
"This time of consistent writing has been valuable in a lot of ways. I’ve gleaned a lot of insight and some equanimity. It’s been a struggle at times to be consistent, but the weekly meetings helped get back on track. Meeting with the group has been a good way to have a consistent practice and get me back into the writing. Also, to see where other people are is helpful. What touched me the most about this process is that people were pretty open about sharing with strangers every week and on improving themselves. This group affected me because it’s clear that we all struggle in similar ways and that we all want peace and clarity. I’m not alone in that respect. Having closure with this process feels a little sad and surprising that it went by so fast. Im so glad that I took the leap and joined the group and started down this path of writing and exploring my inner thoughts. I will miss the group meetings and the weekly focus."
"The sense of not being alone in this, and yet feeling that my aloneness is honored by a group of good, creative, thoughtful people who are also feeling alone/not alone. I will miss the surprise of unexpected thought and wisdom nuggets dropping down the pipe to me each time we meet."
This 13 week series will explore our personal desire.
We will dive into how to get clear, and explore the things that deviates us from our clarity. We will develop ongoing practices that will connect us to our voice, our inner knowing, and ourselves.
And finally we will explore magic, synchronicity, spirit, and how to tap into it.
Each week the group container grows to be more connected to each other and to ourselves. This time together and cultivating the practice of consistent writing fosters the courage to tell the (sometimes inconvenient) truth to ourselves about ourselves and then maybe even be able to share that truth with another.
These groups are kept small with the intention of creating deep connection.
The commitment is 13 (one hour long) zoom meetings that happen weekly (meetings will be recorded so if you miss you can listen during the week).
Daily writing. Weekly Whatsapp checkins for support.
Bring your notebooks and pens, a warm cup of something to enjoy, a blanket. We will be heading into the wild lands of the unknown together. Bring a (metaphorical) flashlight but be prepared to turn it off in moments. We will be fumbling around, prepare to get lost so there is hope to be found.